Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The Inevitable Demise of Something Beautiful...

I am a proud tree hugging hippy (Not the kind that doesn't shave her legs or not wear deodorant. Injecting Humour Here). This means I'm passionate about preserving our world and the precious things within it. I dream of having the chance to go out on the oceans with Sea Shepherd as a conservation warrior. If it wasn't for the fact I tend to suffer from sea sickness. But this brings me to my blog entry of today which is very much ocean based.

Not many people around the world are probably aware of the plight of the Maui dolphin here in NZ of which there are now less than 50 alive. That's right less than 50 of these dolphins swim in our oceans which makes them critical in the race against extinction. They are the smallest of the dolphin species and in my opinion some of the most beautiful dolphins to swim in our seas. You can only find these little gems within the shallow coastal waters of the North Island of New Zealand.

Most of these dolphins have fallen prey to gillnets and trawling through the fishing industry. Our government came to the party in 2013/2014 banning the use of such things in certain areas, however there has not been a wide spread ban throughout their entire habitat. This is something that conservation experts say is a must in order to protect them and their dwindling numbers. Experts say that within 15 years these dolphins will be extinct due to the current state of things. This is absolutely mind blowing to me that we could wipe out yet another species due to greed, along with several species of Rhinoceros and Orangutan, just to name a few.

What blows my mind even more is that governments, including mine, are allowing this to happen. In fact they are encouraging it. In their infinite wisdom these parliamentary geniuses (Obvious typo that should read Morons) last December decided they would allow 15 new oil drilling permits that included the Maui dolphins marine mammal sanctuary and other ecologically protected areas around NZ. All for the sake of making a dollar or two to line their pockets and the governments coffers.

When in the hell will people finally wake up and realise that if they don't stop destroying what this world has to offer, we will eventually have no world to enjoy. I am left dumbfounded that people can't get this through the thick layers of their skulls. All because they are blinded by the almighty dollar.

I'm not one to often quote the bible but with each passing day that our world suffers and dwindles I am reminded of this truth and the destruction of our world that lies before us.

The Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil.

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