Saturday 11 July 2015

Death By Heart

Its no secret I'm not one for sugar coating shit. I mean really, just look at the name of my blog. If you haven't figured it out by now, you're probably in a corner somewhere dribbling. 

The need to be blunt and honest about things translates into all my writing, including poetry. I believe poetry should be a true expression of your feelings and emotions regarding whatever the subject of text is. 

Therefore I give you.....Death By Heart. A painful and often dark expression of dealing with heartbreak. Its dedicated to all the douchebags that have inspired every written word within this book.

If you can associate with the feelings of heartache then I suggest you read this. Maybe it can be a world wide collective of therapy and healing for those of us who have experienced the heart crumbling into pieces.

Please purchase it, read it and support Indie Writers. We don't have the backing of publishing companies paying us royalty. If we dont sell the book, we've literally worked our arses off writing for no pay.

Click HERE to go to the amazon page for Death By Heart. Take a sneek peak inside before buying!